We are a church committed to the gospel of Jesus Christ, and committed to growing disciples who live for the glory of God in all of life. As a member of the CCCC, we stand with churches committed to the centrality of the gospel and the reliability of the word of God. As a church that stands at the center of Salem, we are committed to seeking the peace and prosperity of Salem and the surrounding region.
To Glorify God…
by making disciples of Christ.
A church where people have their lives changed deeply by encountering the gospel.
To remain a Historic Church with a Historic Faith declaring the praises of Him Who called us out of darkness and into His marvelous light.
To proclaim the Gospel of the Kingdom of God to every tongue, tribe, people and nation until the Lord returns in glory.
TCCSSalem is a member of the Conservative Congregational Christian Conference.
The Congregational church of Salem
244 Hartford Road, Salem, CT 06420
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