The goal was to provide basic health care to the families in the Batso community. After many visits to the orphanage of the Redeemer in Batso it became clear that this community needed reliable health services which provides not only care but the medication to treatment conditions. This community is extremely isloated and has a very limited resources to meet basic needs.
TCCS joined HELP Mission International from Promfret, CT to bring this dream into reality. Sue Sullivan RN and Deacon of TCCS and Pastor John Eklund from HELP serve as the American overseers of the project. Pastor Kelly Augustine the founder of the Orphanage of the Redeemer will serve as the Haitian administrator.
The Clinic of the Redeemer has continued to see patients twice a month despite the challenges of COVID. It still remains the only source of care in Batso, Haiti and is much appreciated by the community. Our medical staff see on average 50-80 people each month. So you can image a team of 3; doctor, nurse and pastor caring for 25-40 people on each clinic day. The clinic remains funded by donations and the medical staff are licensed medical professionals. This has been the key to a successful sustainable clinic. The people know it’s open every other Saturday and the process to get an appointment has been streamline. Many people give what they call a “local donation” and those who cannot are still seen. Pastor Kelly tells us this is good as the community supports and takes ownership of the clinic. This income allows for food on the day of the clinic, especially for our staff who work long hours. They come together as a community to care for each other. The pandemic left us with an increased financial need over the last year and God provided for that need. Throughout the year we purchased more medication, personal protective equipment for the staff and increased expenses to support travel incurred. Pastor Kelly and the medical staff distributed food, empty water gallons, masks and gloves to the people of Batso. They educated the community about COVID and provided pastoral care to the people as they were very afraid of the virus. I pray that soon our team will be able go back and see first hand how God has grown the clinic. Financially the clinic is in sound shape. We usually have a major fund raiser in March and due to COVID this did not happen. For those who have attended, know the highlight of the event is not only our time together but enjoying my sister and brother-in- law’s great cooking! We look forward to next March’s annual gathering but even so, God has been faithful and has provided what we need.
The story of The Chicken and the Avocado Tree was inspired by real events taking place at an orphanage in Haiti. This “very special home” for “very special children” prompted American nurse, Sue Sullivan, to write about the beautiful children, caring workers and pastors that she met while on her travels. It has a message of love, security and belonging.
All proceeds from this book will be used to fund The Clinic of the Redeemer in the remote region of Batso, Haiti.
The Congregational church of Salem
244 Hartford Road, Salem, CT 06420
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